PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education, University of Missouri
MS, Resource Planning, Missouri State University
BS, Secondary Education (Biology), Southeast Missouri State University
GRY 240 - Earth Science for Teachers
GRY 315 - Service Learning in Geography
Professional experience
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University, Aug. 2012-Present
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University, Aug. 2007-2012
Lecturer, Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University, 1998-2007
Nine years experience as public high school and middle school science teacher
GIS Cartographer, City of Springfield Planning Department, April-Dec. 1997
Research and professional interests
Selected publications
Black, A.A. (2014) Why No Earth Science in the Biology, Chemistry, Physics Course Progression? What Do Students and Teachers Think? Journal for Geoscience Education. Submitted for publication.
Black, A. A. Earth Science for Teachers Laboratory Manual: An Inquiry, Spatial & GIS Approach. Under contract with Kendall-Hunt Publishing.
Black, A.A. 2009. Review of Cartographic Service Learning Project: Online Mapping of Pennsylvania State Parks, in Journal of Geography in Higher Education.
Selected presentations
Black, A.A. (2016, Invited Paper). The Relationship of Spatial Ability, Earth Science Conceptual Understanding, Content Exam Success, and Completion of University Science Content Courses. National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Meeting, Baltimore, Md.
Black, A.A. (2016, accepted). Inquiry Teaching in Science: Recommended for Decades, But Is It Happening? Critical Questions in Education National Conference, San Antonio, Tex.
Black, A.A. (2015). It’s Elementary – Engineering, the Environment, and Literacy. National Science Teachers of America Regional Meeting, Kansas City, Mo.
Black, A.A. (2015). Why No Earth Science in the U.S. Common Science Course Progression? Geological Society of America national meeting: Baltimore, Md.
Black, A.A. (2015). Shake It! An NGSS, Engineering, and NOS Look at Earthquakes. National Science Teachers Association National meeting: Chicago, Ill.
Black, A.A. (2015). Perceptions Related to the Exclusion of Geosciences in the Common U.S. Biology-Physics-Chemistry Progression: The National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Meeting: Chicago, Ill.
Black, A.A. (2015). STEM, the Environment, the Field, and Engineering for K-4. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Interface Conference. Osage Beach, Mo.
Other interests
Professional Education Unit
Goals 2000
Awards and honors
MSU University Foundation Award for Service, 2015
MSU College of Natural and Applies Sciences Teaching Award, 2015
MSU Maroon Minute Award, 2014
Distinguished Service in Science Teaching Award, Science Teachers of Missouri, 2013
College Service Award, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Missouri State University, 2013
Member, Phi Kappa Phi National Academic Honor Society
Member, Missouri State Women in Science Committee
Grant recipient, Funding for Results Committee at Missouri State