A career military officer who served as a Navy entomologist for more than 20 years, Dr. David Claborn teaches courses in environmental health, international health and public health of disasters in the Master of Public Health program, as well as courses in homeland security and chemical/biological warfare for other departments.
His research deals with a variety of factors generally dealing with the public health of disaster situations, including decontamination of chemical warfare agents, disaster planning, post-disaster disease transmission, war and public health and invasive species.
Selected publications:
Faculty Fellow for Anti-Terrorism in Israel, Foundation for Defense of Democracies (2011)
Entomologist expert Dr. David Claborn discusses his mosquito survey project.
Entomologist Dr. David Claborn shares insights about this creepy creature.
Entomologist Dr. David Claborn shares findings on his mosquito survey project.
Entomologist Dr. David Claborn leads a project to find out.
Entomologist Dr. David Claborn gives an update of his mosquito survey project.
Entomologist Dr. David Claborn shares about his mosquito survey project.
Entomologist Dr. David Claborn helps to identify insect leaving tiny, itchy bites all over folks in the Ozarks.