PhD, Language and Literacy Education, 2019, The University of Georgia
MEd, Reading Education, 2011, Texas Woman’s University
ENG 732 Graduate Seminar: Introduction to Qualitative Research Theories and Methods in English Education
SEC 302 General Methods of Instruction: Middle and Secondary Schools
ENG 405 Methods of Teaching English in Secondary Schools
ENG 432/433 Student Teaching Seminar
Professional experience
Selected publications
Hadley, H. Navigating moments of hesitation: Portraits of evangelical English language arts teachers. Myers Education Press. 2021
Toliver, S. R. & Hadley, H. L. Rhetorically speaking: On white preservice teachers’ failure to imagine an anti-racist English education. English Teaching: Practice and Critique. DOI 10.1108/ETPC-09-2020-0112. 2021.
Hadley, H. L. There’s hope for us all: Transformative moments. English Journal, 110(5), 109-11. 2021.