Dr. Neely is an associate professor of history who has taught at Missouri State since 2010. At MSU he has taught courses on the Civil War and Reconstruction, the Civil War in Missouri, U. S. military history, Civil War memory, the history of the American West, both halves of the U. S. history survey, graduate readings and research seminars, and the department's sophomore-level historical research and writing course.
His most recent book, A Union Tested: The Civil War Letters of Cimbaline and Henry Fike (University of Georgia Press, 2024), follows a Unionist couple in Illinois whose wartime correspondence exemplified the wartime struggles of ordinary Americans.His first book, The Border between Them: Violence and Reconciliation on the Kansas-Missouri Line (University of Missouri Press, 2007), considers many of the major themes that transformed the trans-Mississippi West across the nineteenth century. A decade-long guerrilla war over slavery and secession is the pivotal event of that study, and most of his work since that project has been grounded in the Civil War era. Other recent publications have examined the intersections of the partisan press and the Union army's anti-guerrilla policy; the popular politics of urban development; and the ways that Americans wrestled with memories of wartime atrocities.
Selected publications
A Union Tested: The Civil War Letters of Cimbaline and Henry Fike (University of Georgia Press, 2024)
The Border between Them: Violence and Reconciliation on the Kansas-Missouri Line (University of Missouri Press, 2007)
U.S. historian Dr. Jeremy Neely talks about the worst year in history.
U.S. historian Dr. Jeremy Neely comments on the petition to remove Confederate monument in Springfield National Cemetery.
U.S. historian Dr. Jeremy Neely comments on Confederate monuments.
U.S. historian Dr. Jeremy Neely addresses Confederate monuments
U.S. historian Dr. Jeremy Neely weighs in on how Missouri deals with its Confederate past.