PhD, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Hispanic emphasis, 2017, University of Arkansas
MAT, French and Spanish as a Second Language Certification, 2005, Missouri State University
BS, Law and Social Sciences, 2002, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
2002 BS, Secondary Education, French and English as a Second Language emphasis, 2002, Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Nuevo León
SPN 101, 102, 201, 202, 205
SPN 287 Intensive Grammar
SPN 312 Spanish Grammar and Composition
SPN 318 Spanish for Law Enforcement
SPN 326 Latin American Civilization
SPN 312 Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPN 460 Latin American Literature
SPN 480 Directed Readings: Latinx Poetry
SPN 410 Advanced Translation
SPN 495 Seminar in Special Topics
SPN 725 Seminar Latin American Literature and Pedagogical Strategies
MCL Student Teaching Supervision
EDC 345 Introduction to Multicultural Education
EDC 150 Introduction to Education
EDC 345 Introduction to Multicultural Education ITV/Zoom Section
UHC 300 Level Project Supervision
UHC 110 Special Topics: Latinx Literature focused on: Violence in the Northern Mexican Border
GEP 101 First Year College Experience
ENG 286 Literature, Culture and Post Conflict
Professional experience
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Modern and Classical Languages, Missouri State University, Fall 2018- Present
Provost Fellow for Faculty Development, Missouri State University Spring, 2021-Present
Provost Fellow for Diversity, Missouri State University, 2019-2021
University Instructor, Modern and Classical Languages, Missouri State University, 2011-2017
American School Foundation of Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L. Mexico, 2007-2011
Hispanic Initiative Coordinator, College of Education, Missouri State University, 2005-2011
University Instructor, College of Education, Missouri State University, 2005-2007
Graduate Assistant, College of Education (Hispanic Initiative), Missouri State University, 2003-2005
6-12 Language Teacher, Central High School, Springfield, Missouri, 2004-2006
6-12 Language Teacher, Sparta R-III District, Sparta, Missouri, 2002-2003
College Instructor of French and Spanish, Escuela Normal Superior del Estado “Profr. Moisés Sanz Garza”, Monterrey, N.L. México, 2000-2004
7th grade Language Teacher, Escuela Secundaria Número 10, 1998-2000
Professional affiliations
American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
Diversity Education Leadership Academy (DELA)
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
Selected peer-reviewed publications
Martínez, Judith. “Perra Brava y El Estado Adulterado.” El Malestar Del Posconflicto: Aportes de la crítica literaria y cultural Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Antoquia, Colombia. 2018.
Martínez, Judith. “A Perspective on Mexican Forced Migration.” A Perspective of Multicultural Education and Diversity, Ed. por D.I. Barrón. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA, 2020.
Martínez, Judith. “2666 y La Fractura De Un Estado Neoliberal.” Ciberletras Revista De Crítica Literaria y Cultural, Lehman College. New York. 2020.
Martínez, Judith. “De Mujer a Mujer. Desaprendiendo Lo Aprendido.” Revista De Equidad y Género, TSJENL. Monterrey, Nuevo León. 2018
Research and professional interests
Forced migration
Neoliberal violence in the Mexican borders
Critical theory
Border literature (Mexico)
Latinx literature
Awards and honors
Community Foundation of the Ozarks Grant to Develop Early College for Missouri State University Curriculum for Heritage Learners of Spanish as a Recruitment tool, 2020
Assessment Grant “Social Distances vs Physical Distances: Creating a Classroom Community”, Missouri State University, 2020
Member of CODERS Project External Grant, Missouri State University, 2020
Director’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Research Honors College, Missouri State University, 2020
Curtis T. Lawrence Master Teaching Award. Missouri State University, 2029
Diversity Scholar Award, Faculty Center for teaching and Learning, Missouri State University, 2017
Master Advisor, Missouri State University, 2017
Recognition from Student Athletes, Missouri State University: Maroon and White Banquet, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017
Professor of the Month, Palhenelic Association, Student Association, Missouri State University, 2012
Latina Leadership Award, Office of Diversity Inclusion, Missouri State University, 2011
PALMS, National Award for developing Programs for Recruitment of Latinx Students for Higher Education, 2005