Dr. Kimberly Swanson Church
Role: Faculty
Campus: Springfield
Postal mail
Missouri State University
901 S. National Ave.
- PhD, Accounting Information Systems, 2010, University of Arkansas
- MSA, Tax Track and Accounting Information Systems, 2002, Kansas State University
- BBA, Accounting, 1998, Pittsburg State University
Recent teaching
- Accounting Information Systems
- Advanced Accounting Information Systems
- IT Audit
- Cost Accounting
- Graduate Managerial Accounting
See curriculum vitae for full list.
Professional experience
- Director, School of Accountancy. Missouri State University. 2020
- MAcc Director, Missouri State University. 2020
- Senior Trainer, Accounting Program for Building the Profession. (Advanced Placement Accounting Pilot Program). American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 2013 - present
- Assistant Professor of Accounting Information Systems, University of Missouri-Kansas City. 2013 – 2020.
- Visiting Intersession Professor of Data Analytics, University of Montevideo. Montevideo, Uruguay. May 2019.
- Assistant Professor, University of North Texas. 2011–2012
- Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. 2007–2011
- Owner/Operator, Swanson Farms Gamebird Hunts, LLC. 1995-2018
See curriculum vitae for full list.
Research and professional interests
Select publications
- Church, K.S., E. Kinory and S.S. Smith. (2020). “Accounting Implications of Blockchain - A Hyperledger Composer Use Case for Intangible Assets.” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting.
- Schmidt, P.J., J. Riley and K.S. Church. (2020). “Investigating Accountants' Resistance to Move beyond Excel and Adopt New Data Analytics Technology.” Accounting Horizons.
- Church, K.S., P.J. Schmidt and K. Ajayi. (2020). “Mostly Cloudy- Opportunity for Fair or Foul Weather: Cloud Computing Insights and Issues.” Journal of Information Systems. 34 (2): 23–46.
- Tapis, G., K.S. Church and Z.T. Webb. (2020). “Preparing for the Hybridization of the Accounting Profession: A CISA Boot Camp Case Study.” AIS Educators’ Journal. 15(1).
- Kinory, E., S.S. Smith and K.S. Church. (2020). “Exploring the Playground: Blockchain Prototype Use Cases with Hyperledger Composer.” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. 17(1), 77-88.
- Schmidt P.J., K.S. Church, and Riley, J. (2020). “Clinging to a Warm Blanket: Investigating Accountants' Resistance to Emerging Data Analytics Technology.” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. 17(1), 33-40.
- IMA Applied Research Track Grant Recipient 2018
Riley, J., P.J. Schmidt and K.S. Church. (2020). “From My Cold, Dead Hands: Will We Ever Give Up Our Beloved Excel?” Management Accounting Research Quarterly. Winter, 21(1), 1-9. - Butler, M.G., K.S. Church and A.W. Spencer. (2019). “Do, Reflect, Think Apply: Experiential Education in Accounting.” Journal of Accounting Education. September 2, 12-21.
- Church, K.S., P.J. Schmidt, and G. Smedley. (2016). “Casey’s Collections: A Strategic Decision Making Case Using the Systems Development Lifecycle–Phase 1 Planning and Phase 2 Analysis.” Journal of Emerging Technology in Accounting. 13(2), 231-245.
- Church, K., and R.E. Smith*. (2008). “REA Ontology-Based Simulation Models for Enterprise Strategic Planning.” Journal of Information Systems. 22(2), 303-331.
- Church, K.*, and R.E. Smith. (2007). “An Extension of the REA Framework to Support Balanced Scorecard Information Requirements.” Journal of Information Systems. 21(1), 1-25.
See curriculum vitae for full list.
Awards and honors
Select awards
- Best Education Paper. AAA-AIS Midyear Meeting. 2020
- AICPA George Krull/Grant Thornton Innovation in Junior and Senior-Level Teaching Award. AAA. 2019.
- Best Faculty Research Paper. AAA-SET Section Research Workshop. 2019
- Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education. AAA-IMA.2018
- Mark Chain/FSA Innovation in Graduate Teaching Award Recipient. AAA. 2017
- Bea Sanders/AICPA Innovation in Teaching Award Honorable Mention. AAA.2016
- Best Education Paper. AAA-TLC Section Award the Midwest Region Meeting. 2016
See curriculum vitae for full list.
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