Postal mail Missouri State University School-Spec Ed Ledrshp Prof Studies 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65810
Details EducationEdD, 1991, University of MissouriSpecialist in Educational Administration, 1987, Missouri State UniversityMS, Guidance and Counseling, 1983, Missouri State UniversityBS, English Education, 1979, Missouri State University TeachingEAD 788 Action ResearchEAD 795 CapstoneEAD 786 SupervisionEAD 785 Legal and Ethical Contexts Research and professional interestsResearch and educational leadership developmentPrincipal leadership Awards and honorsMSU Young Alumni AwardAdvisory Council for the Bulletin, an NASSP PublicationLeadership Springfield- Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce“Outstanding Young Alumni” Missouri State University“95 to Watch in 95” Springfield MagazineFeatured in Springfield Magazine -“Kim Finch Harbinger of the Middle School Revolution Here” May 1994“Star Catcher Award” District Award Presented by Dr. Jack ErnstTop 10 MAP School in State of Missouri (8 years)Accomplished & Outstanding School Recognition – Pershing SchoolMentor to New District Principals - AnnuallyGifted Educator Award – Phelps Center for the GiftedGrand Worthy Advisor of Missouri – Order of the Rainbow for Girls (sponsored by Masonic and Eastern Star Lodges)