PTE 744 Patient Management: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Problems
PTE 760 Management of Research Projects
PTE 880 Research Seminar
Professional experience
American Physical Therapy Association
Missouri Physical Therapy Association
Southwest District of the Missouri Physical Therapy Association
APTA Academy of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy
American Council of Academic Physical Therapy
American College of Cardiology
Research and professional interests
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Himes, MK, Robinson, BS, Shaw, JL, Dehan, J, Daniel TE, Keller, JD. Can a portable balance system predict fall risk in community-dwelling older women? Journal of Allied Health, August, 2020.
Shaw, JL, Robinson, BS, Himes, MK, Holland, L, Mosley, G, Kraft, C, & Mulcahey, R. (2018, March). Does hands-on guarding influence performance on the Functional Gait Assessment? Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, July/September, 2020.
Himes, MK, Moore, ES, Robinson, BS, Daniel, TE. Do lower extremity strength and lower extremity blood flow predict the score on the Functional Gait Assessment in patients enrolled in Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation? Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, April, 2019.
Himes, MK, Moore, ES, Robinson, BS, Daniel, TE. A predictive study of fall risk in Cardiac Phase II Rehabilitation Patients. ProQuest and UIndy ScholarWorks, University of Indianapolis, September 7, 2017.
Physical therapy student perceptions of older adults
Normative values of the BalanceTutor treadmill
Whether the use of vestibular laboratory testing equipment can effectively guide treatment for individuals with impaired balance