PhD, Humanities: Composition Theory and Rhetoric, 1997, University of Texas – Arlington
ENG 100 Introduction to College Composition
ENG 110 Writing I
ENG 210 Writing II
ENG 310 Writing for Graduate School
ENG 520/629 Composition and Rhetoric in High School and Junior College
ENG 523/623 Writing Center Theory and Practice
ENG 525/627 History of Rhetoric
ENG 526/628 Rhetorics for the 21st Century
ENG 580 Gendered Rhetoric and Pedagogy
ENG 703 Practicum in Teaching Writing
ENG 720 Composition Theory
ENG 721 Theory of Basic Writing
ENG 722 Literacy Theory and Composition
ENG 725 Performative Rhetorics
Professional experience
Selected publications
’That’s a Blonde Remark’: Gendered Communication in the Workplace. Feminist Challenges or Feminist Rhetorics?: Locations, Scholarship and Discourse. Ed. Kirsti Cole. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 145-156.
Transcending ‘Conversing’: A Deaf Student in the Writing Center. The St.Martin’s Sourcebook for Writing Tutors. 2nd ed., 3rd ed., 4th ed. Eds. Christina Murphy and Steve Sherwood. Boston: Bedford Press, 2003, 2007, 2011. 221-232.
A Call for Racial Diversity in the Writing Center. The Writing Center Director’s Resource Book. Eds. Christina Murphy and Byron Stay. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates, 2006. 79-91.
Research and professional interests
Composition pedagogy
Feminist and postmodern rhetorics
Collaborative theories
Writing center studies
Basic writing and directed self placement
Awards and honors
Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021
University Foundation Award in Teaching, 2021
FCTL Faculty Award for Excellence in Online Teaching, Missouri State University, 2020
Curtis P. Lawrence Master Teacher Award, Missouri State University, 2019
Eric Shade Memorial Faculty Governance Award, Missouri State University, 2018
FCTL Teaching Award in Accessible Learning, 2018
Nominee for Outstanding Graduate Mentor, 2014
MACURH (Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) Regional Institution Faculty/Staff Winner, April 2013
University Foundation Award in Teaching, 2012
Outstanding Honors Instructor, Fall 2010
Nominee for Outstanding Graduate Mentor, 2009
International Writing Centers Association Outstanding Scholarship Award, Best Article in 2004. “Censoring What Tutor’s Clothing ‘Says: The ‘Right’ Path of Violation of First Amendment Rights? Writing Center Journal 24.2 (2004): 19-36.
College Service Award, 2004
College Teaching Award, 2003
International Writing Centers Association Outstanding Scholarship Award Nominee, Best Article in 2001. “Resistance is Anything But Futile: Some More Thoughts on Writing Conference Summaries.” Writing Center Journal 21.2 (2001): 35-56.