Geological Survey of Alabama (2014-2016): Field geologist
Geological Society of America: member
Research and professional interests
Field geology
Structural geology
Clastic and volcanic stratigraphy
Metamorphic petrology
Spatial learning
Recent publications
McKay, M.P., Stowell, H.H., Gray, K.D., Schwartz, J.J., Bollen, E., (in press) Metamorphism records thrust faulting during prolonged terrane accretion: Sm-Nd garnet and U-Pb zircon geochronology and P-T paths from the Salmon River suture zone, west-central Idaho, Lithosphere.
Fildani, A., McKay, M.P. , Stockli, D.F., Clark, J.D., Weislogel, A.L., Dykstra, M., Hessler, A.M., (2016) The ancestral Mississippi drainage archived in the late Wisconsin Mississippi deep-sea fan, Geology, vol. 44 (6), p. 479-482.
McKay, M.P., Coble, M., Hessler, A.M.,Weislogel, A.L., Fildani, A. (2016), Petrogenesis and provenance of distal, airfall tuffs in the Permian-Triassic Karoo Basin, South Africa: a window into a dissected, magmatic province, Geosphere, v. 12 (1).
McKay, M.P., Weislogel, A.L., Fildani, A., Brunt, R., Hodgson, D., Flint, S. (2015), U-PB zircon tuff geochronology from the Karoo Basin, South Africa: implications of zircon recycling on stratigraphic age controls, International Geology Review, vol. 57 (4), pp. 393-410.
Awards and honors
CNAS Student Nominated Award for Faculty/Staff Excellence, Missouri State University, 2019
Outstanding Graduate Mentor, Missouri State Graduate College, 2018