PhD, 1970, Washington University in St. Louis, Sociology
M.A., 1967, University of Missouri – Columbia, Sociology/Gerontology
B.A, 1966, University of Missouri – Columbia, Sociology
An Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System
The Causes of Crime and Delinquency
The Police in American Society
Capital Punishment
Crime and the Media
Institutional and Community-Based Corrections
Senior Seminar
The Gang Phenomenon
• Internship
Professional experience
Professor of Sociology and Criminology, 1986-2010, Missouri State University, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Springfield, MO.
Founding Faculty Member of the now School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 1987.
Founding Faculty member of the Missouri State University Law and Society Minor, 2006.
Associate Professor of Sociology, 1972-1986, Department of Sociology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
Co-Founding Faculty Member of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, with Professors Stephen Brodt and Lionel Neiman.
Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1970-1972, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Co-Founding Faculty member of the then Department of Administration of Justice with Professor Gordon Misner, known now as the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Research and professional interests
Select Honors and Awards at Missouri State University
Elected for placement on the Missouri State University “Wall of Fame”
Granted Emeritus Professor status upon retirement in 2010.
Missouri State University SUCCESSability Award for efforts on behalf of disabled students, Student Disability Services.
Missouri State University Award for Service
State of Missouri Governor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Missouri State University Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching
National Academic Advisement Association (NACADA) award for Outstanding Faculty Academic Advising
Missouri State University Excellence in Academic Advisement Award
Missouri State University Graduate College Excellence in On-Line Instruction Award
Examples of Scholarship
“Street Gang Patterns and Policies,” by Malcolm W. Klein and Cheryl L. Maxson, a book review to be published in the January, 2009, issue ofThe Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
“Why Gangs Form,” Law Enforcement Executive Forum, the peer-reviewed journal of Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Executive Institute, 35 pages, Summer, 2008.
“Stages in the Police Response to Gangs,” published inThe Law Enforcement Executive Forum, a refereed journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, March, 2006
"The Media Sensationalize the Gang Problem," in Gangs: Opposing Viewpoints, Thomson/Gale Publishers, 2005
“The Mass Media Influence Young People to Join Gangs,” in Gangs: Opposing Viewpoints, Thomson/Gale Publishers, 2005
Into the Abyss: A Personal Journey into the World of Street Gangs, an Internet Publication, 2002.
Examples of Presentations
“An Overview of Gang-Related Legislation in the United States,” presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, April, 2003.
"Difficulties Involved in Working with Youth Gangs," presented at the 2001 meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Anaheim, CA, March, 2001
"The Police Response to Gangs," a paper presented at the April, 2000, annual meetings of the Western Social Science Association meeting in San Diego, CA.
"The Gang Phenomenon: Some Field Observations," a paper presented at the April, 1999, annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association, Fort Worth, TX
Other interests
Service Activity
Served on a myriad of departmental, college, university committees, and task force groups over a 40-year career in academia as either a member or chair and served on the Faculty Senates several times.
Served on community-based non-profit organization's boards for programs that served children in need of services both in Missouri and Indiana.
Served as a voting member of the United States Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Planning Agency, US Department of Justice, from 1974 to 1979, as consultant to the Department of Corrections in both Missouri and Indiana
Internship Supervisor at Ball State University and Missouri State University linking students to justice agencies
Appointed member of the Futures Committee by then MSU President Michael Nietzel. Responsible for reviewing the nature of all academic majors at MSU to identifying ten for future investment of resources.
Member, the Community and Social Issues Institute, charged by then MSU President Michael Nietzel with creating a working relationship between MSU faculty and regional programs and agencies to enhance the quality of life in our region.
Member, Greene County (MO) Sheriff's Department Oversight Committee. Appointed to review the operations of the Sheriff's department and conduct ongoing evaluations of the department's personnel and policies.
Task Force on Gangs and Youth Violence - A multi-agency organization dedicated to gathering and sharing information related to youth violence and gangs in Southwest Missouri.
Hammons School of Architecture Professional Advisory Council (PAC), Drury University, Springfield, MO. The PAC was responsible for providing consulting services to the Head of the School of Architecture.
Appointed to the Ball State University College of Architecture Board.