PhD, Engineering Management, 1999, University of Missouri-Rolla Dissertation Research: The Design and Analysis of a Metalcutting Coolant/Lubricant Application System for Delivery of a Soy Based Cutting Fluid
MS, Engineering Management, 1992, University of Missouri-Rolla Thesis Research: The Management of Change in Manufacturing - A Case Study
BS, Engineering Management, Mechanical Engineering Option, 1988, University of Missouri-Rolla
IDM 438 Emerging Technologies in Systems Integrations
IDM 701 Project Management
IDM 710 Project Leadership
IDM 799 Thesis
Research and professional interests
American Society for Engineering Education, 2002 - present
National Association for Industrial Technology, 2001 – present
Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2001 – present
Awards and honors
Best of NAIT Convention Proceedings Paper, National Association of Industrial Technology, 2007
Faculty Recognition Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Business Administration, Missouri State University, August 20, 2004
Scholarship Conference Proceedings
Jones M. P., Smith R.R., Callahan, R. N. “Academia’s Response to a Changing Environment: Are We Keeping Pace?” Proceedings of the 2008 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, November 2008.
Callahan, R. N., Smith R.R., and Jones M. P. “ Educating the Manufacturing Technologist: Current Trends and Gaps in Curricula,” Proceedings of the 2007 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, October 2007.
Smith R.R., Jones M. P., and Callahan, R. N. “Manufacturing Engineer, Manufacturing Technologist, is There a Difference?” Proceedings of the 2007 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, October 2007.
Callahan, R. N. and Strong, S. D., and Smith R. R. “ Meeting the Challenges of Globalization with an Agile Technology Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 2006 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, November 2006.
Callahan, R. N., Strong, S. D., and Nueburger, L. M. “Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory Development,” Proceedings of the 2005 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 2005.
McCrary, S.W., Smith, R. R., and Callahan R. N. “Comparative Analysis between Manufacturing and Construction Enterprises on the Use of Formalized Quality Programs,” Proceedings of the 2005 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 2005.
Callahan, R. N., Amos, S. J., and Strong, S. D., “Developing Practical Skills for Quality Assurance and Metrology Applications in Manufacturing,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
Callahan, R. N., Amos, S. J., and Strong, S. D. “Industry Driven Applications in Quality Control Course Development,” Proceedings of the 2003 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, November 2003.
Amos, S. J., Callahan, R. N., and Strong, S. D., “An Integrative Approach to Curriculum Reform and Department Reorganization,” Proceedings of the 2003 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference. Nashville, Tennessee, November 2003.
Callahan, R. N., Hubbard, K. M., and Strong, S. D., “Development of a Structure for Collaboration in the Senior Project Sequence,” Proceedings of the 2002 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, November 2002.
Strong, S. D. and Callahan R. N., “Establishing Manageable Industrial Technology Assessment Programs,” Proceedings of the 2002 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, November 2002.
Strong, S. D. and Callahan R. N., “The Multifunctional Role of a Senior Capstone Sequence,” Proceedings of the 2002 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, November 2002.
Callahan, R. N., Hubbard, K. M., and Strong, S. D., “Collaborative Student Projects and Data Sharing in the Coalition for Improved Manufacturing Education,” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Management Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, October 2002.
Strong, S. D. and Callahan, R. N., “Partnerships: Strengthening Industrial Technology,” Proceedings of the 2001 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, November 2001.
Strong, S. D. and Callahan, R. N., “The Ozarks Manufacturing Education Center: A Case Study in Partnerships,” Proceedings of the 2001 National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Conference, Panama City, Florida, November 2001.
Callahan, R. N., Jones M. P., Smith R.R., “Developing Maximum Career Potential in Manufacturing Technology Curricula,” Journal of Industrial Technology, 24 (4), October-December 2008, 1-8.
Smith R.R., Jones M. P., Callahan, R. N., “Manufacturing Engineer – Manufacturing Technologist: Exploring the Similarities and Differences,” The Technology Interface, 9 (1), Fall 2008, 1-12.
Hubbard, K. M., Callahan, R. N., and Strong S.D., “A Standardized Model for the Evaluation of Machining Coolant/Lubricant Costs,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing technology, 36 (1), February 2008, 1-10.
Smith, R. R., McCrary, S.W., and Callahan R. N., “Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies and Measurement Analysis: A Multimethod Exploration of the State of Practice,” Journal of Industrial Technology, 23 (1), January 2007, 1-12.
McCrary, S.W., Smith, R. R., and Callahan R. N., “Comparative Analysis Between Manufacturing and Construction Enterprises on the Use of Formalized Quality Management Systems,” Journal of Industrial Technology, 22 (3), July-September 2006, 1-8.
Callahan, R. N., Hubbard, K. M., and Bacoski, N. M., “The Use of Simulation Modeling and Factorial Analysis as a Method for Process Flow Improvement,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 29 (1-2), May 2006, 202-208.
Callahan, R. N., Hubbard, K. M., and Strong, S. D., “Computational Methods for Planning Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, 22 (8), 2005, 958-971.
Smith, R. R., Callahan, R. N., and Strong, S. D., “Developing a Practical Quality System to Improve Visual Inspections,” Journal of Industrial technology, 21 (3), July-September 2005, 1-7.
Callahan, R. N. and Hubbard, K. M., “The Development and Analysis of an Environment Friendly Machining Fluid Application System,” International Journal of Environmentally Conscience Design and Manufacturing, 12 (3), 2004, 16-23.
Callahan, R. N. and Strong, S. D., “A Comparison of Industrial and Academic Perceptions of Quality Control Education,” The Journal of Technology Studies, 30, (4), Fall 2004, 45-54.
Callahan, R. N., Amos, S. J., and Strong, S. D., “Enhancing Entry Level Skills in Quality Assurance: An Industry Perspective,” Journal of Industrial Technology, 20 (4), September-November 2004, 1-6.
Strong, S. D., Amos, S. J., and Callahan, R. N., “Effective Assessment: A Model for Industrial Technology Programs,” Journal of Industrial Technology, 19 (3), May-July 2003, 1-7.
Strong, S.D., Callahan, R.N., Amos, S.J., July 2003, National Science Foundation – CCLI Adaptation and Implementation Track, $191,800.
Strong, S.D., Callahan, R.N., Brown and Sharpe Metrology Grant, $35,000
Callahan, R.N., SMSU Graduate College – Faculty Research Grant, $5,500