- PhD, Kinesiology, Sport and Exercise Psychology emphasis, 2017, University of North Carolina at Greensboro – Greensboro, NC
- MS, Kinesiology, Sport and Exercise Psychology emphasis, 2014, Georgia Southern University – Statesboro, GA
- BA, Psychology, Spanish minor, 2012, Edgewood College – Madison, WI
- HLH 700 Research Methods in Kinesiology
- KIN 705 Applied Statistics in Kinesiology
- KIN 785 Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
- KIN 485 Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
- KIN 386 Social Basis of Physical Activity and Sport
- KIN 286 Ethics and Diversity in American Sport
Research and professional interests
- Psychological skills intervention for behavior change relating to physical activity within overweight and obese populations
- Running and self-perceptions
- Body image issues relating to sport and exercise
- Sedentary behavior reduction
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