- SBrahnam@MissouriState.edu
- 417-836-4932
- Glass Hall 387
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Dr. S Berlin Brahnam is professor of computer information systems. Her research interests include decision support systems, artificial intelligence and computer vision, modeling and simulation, cultural and ethical aspects of technology, and rhetoric and conversational agents.
Her teaching interests are in the areas of management information systems, decision support systems, distance education, programming languages and Internet for business. She has more than 140 publications in academic journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam comments on Replika.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam compares video conferencing to highly processed foods.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam studies artificial intelligence and its ability to determine when infants are experiencing pain.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam conducts research on human-computer agent interactions.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam looks at human abuse and misuse with computers.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam works on facial recognition technology to identify key spots in a baby's face that signal pain.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam explains about chatbots.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam highlights a face-recognition system that could help lift the veil on infant communication and allow us to know when babies are genuinely experiencing pain.
Computer scientist Dr. S. Berlin Brahnam shares about an experiment she did on six commercial chatbots used to represent various companies, to see how they would respond to abusive language.