Department Head
- SethHoelscher@MissouriState.edu
- 417-836-5504
- Glass Hall 300
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Dr. Seth Hoelscher is an associate professor at Missouri State University. He received a PhD in finance from the University of Oklahoma in 2016. Hoelscher’s research has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Commodity Markets, Journal of Fixed Income, Managerial Finance, Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly, Review of Accounting and Finance and Review of Behavioral Finance, among other journals.
Additionally, his research has been presented at numerous regional, national and international conferences and has been recognized with best paper awards, including the 2018 Emerald Publishing/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Highly Commended Award sponsored by Managerial Finance. He also has been part of an external grant funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration.
Hoelscher is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Finance Issues and has served on the program committee for the Financial Management Association (FMA) and Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA) annual meetings since 2017.
Finance expert Dr. Seth Hoelscher answers a few questions about the credit card.