Professor 417-836-8730 417-836-8330 Kings Street Annex 122 Add to address book
Postal mail Missouri State University School-Mental Health and Behavior Sci 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897
Details EducationPhD, 1991, University of MiamiBA, 1985, University of Notre DameLicensed Clinical Psychologist TeachingAbnormal PsychologyStatisticsPsychology of Diverse Populations Introduction to the Psychology Major Tests and Measurements Research and professional interestsChild PsychopathologyPosttraumatic StressAdaption to change in the field of accountingBarriers to learning math in collegeImpact of a common book program on college freshmenStudent participation in curriculum developmentEducating for personal and social responsibility Other interestsFellow, American Academy of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology