PhD, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, 1977, Brandeis University
MA, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, 1973, Brandeis University
BA, History, 1972, Missouri State University
REL 101
REL 200 (Religion in the News)
REL 312 (Hebrew Prophets)
REL 397 (Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Law; Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Religions; Social World of Ancient Israel)
REL 510 (The Age of Abraham; Genesis; Everyday Life in Old Testament Times Social World of Ancient Israel; Ancient Law and Religion)
REL 580 (Jerusalem the Holy City; Poets, Tyrants, and Sages; Methods in Biblical Studies; Reflections on Women-Ancient and Modern; Prophetic Voice-Ancient and Modern)
REL 730 (Basic Issues in Biblical Studies: Isaiah; Biblical Criticism)
REL 731 (Judges; Isaiah)
Research and professional interests
Hebrew Bible
Social world of Ancient Israel
Ancient law
Awards and honors
ASOR Membership Service Award, 2003
MSU University Fellow in Research, 1999-2002
MSU Academic Affairs Fellow, 1998-99
MSU University Award for Research, 1998
MSU College of Humanities and Public Affairs Award for Service, 1997
MSU Foundation Faculty Achievement Award for Outstanding Scholarship, 1993
MSU Foundation Excellence in Research Award, April 19, 1989
Junior Scholar Research Award, Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, March 11, 1988