- Academic Achievement Center, Dr. Mary Jo Wynn
- Academic Success and Transition, Center for
- Applied Science and Engineering, Center for
- Archaeological Research, Center for
- Area Health Education Center, Southwest Missouri
- Arts in the Schools, Center for
- Assessment, Office of
- Bear CLAW (Center for Learning and Writing)
- Biomedical and Life Sciences, Center for (CBLS)
- Blunt Jordan Valley Innovation Center, Roy (JVIC)
- Broadcast Services
- Bull Shoals Field Station
- Dispute Resolution, Center for
- Economic Research, Bureau of
- efactory
- English Language Institute
- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
- Foreign Language Institute
- Grapevine Biotechnology, Center for (CGB)
- Homeland Security, Center for
- International Leadership and Training Center
- Ozarks Environmental and Water Resources Institute (OEWRI)
- Ozarks Public Health Institute
- Project Innovation and Management Education (C-PRIME), Center for
- Resource Planning and Management, Center for
- Roy Blunt Hall
- RStats (Research, Statistical Training and Technical Support)
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at MSU
- Teaching, Leading and Learning, Agency for
- Testing Center
- Writing in College, Career and Community, Center for
Centers and Institutes