- S-STEM Grant (Scholarships in Computer Science, Engineering, Math, and Physics)
- Sabbatical
- Safety and Emergency Services
- Schedule Change
- Scholarships
- Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
- Scholastic Honors
- School Status
- Scooters
- Search Missouri State Web Sites
- Secondary Education Programs
- Sequential Art (Track Option in Design Program)
- Services, Guide to
- Sex Offenders Lists, Registered
- Shannon Hall - Mountain Grove Campus
- Showcase on Teaching and Learning
- Showcase Open House
- Shuttle Service, Bear Line
- Smoking Policy (Tobacco Free Campus)
- Snapchat
- Soccer, Men's
- Soccer, Women's
- Sociology Program
- Softball
- Southwest Missouri Council of Governments
- Special Collections and Archives Department of Library
- Special Education Program
- Spirit Squads
- Sponsored Research
- Springfield and the Ozarks
- Staff & Faculty
- Staff Excellence in University Service Award
- Staff Handbook
- Staff Holiday Schedule
- Standard, The
- State Education Requirements for Licensure and Certification
- State of the University Address
- STEM Master of Business Administration
- Strategic Enrollment Management
- StreamlinED
- String Fling
- Student Affairs in Higher Education, Master of Science in
- Student Affairs, College of Education
- Student Computer Usage Fee (SCUF)
- Student eBulletin
- Student Exhibition Center
- Student Grievance Resources
- Student Organization Funding Allocation Council (SOFAC)
- Student Organizations
- Student Outcome Data
- Student Success and Advisement Center, MCHHS
- Studio Art (Track Option in Visual Art and Culture Program)
- Sue Shear Leadership Academy
- Summer Camps and Conferences
- Supplemental Instruction (now Peer Assisted Study Session)
- Suspension
- Sustainability
- Swimming
- Syllabi Policy Statements
- Symphony Orchestra